

Click here to read testimonials from some of the many businesses that have been helped by the BUSINESSFIRST! program.

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A Financial Model of Your Business Start Yours Now

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Click: SBDC Financial Models
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A strong business plan should answer these questions:
1. Can I provide a financial picture of my business?
2. How much money do I need to reach the business goals we have set – and how shall we raise it?
3. How long will it be before we are cash flow positive? Net income positive?
Come learn about a simple planning tool built on information you can readily find or identify about your business.
Pat Newcomb, CBA, MBA
Ohio SBDC at The Entrepreneurs Center

Montgomery County Business Solution Center

1435 Cincinnati Street, 3rd Floor Dayton, OH 45406







Start Date: 
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 - 08:00 to 09:30